Citizenship of the Federation of St Kitts and  Nevis offers the unique  chance to share in a nation driven by development and  sustainability, and enjoying one of  the fastest-growing and most ro- bust economies in the Caribbean. St Kitts and Nevis is an ideal destination for wealth management,  asset diversification, and entrepreneurship.  In addition to having gained inter- national recognition as a place of  opportunity,

 St Kitts and Nevis is  famed for launching the world’s  oldest and most trusted Citizen- ship by Investment Programme.  Today, 33 years after the Programme’s establishment, the Government of St Kitts and Nevis is  ever more committed to delivering  the ‘Platinum Standard’ of citizen- ship, by providing applicants and  stakeholders with transparency  and efficiency.

 A STRAIGHTFORWARD ROUTE  TO CITIZENSHIP -The St Kitts and Nevis Programme  features two options for attaining citizenship – a contribution to  the Sugar Industry Diversification  Foundation (SIDF) or an investment in a Government-approved  real estate project.  The SIDF option is the simplest  and most efficient way of obtaining  citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis. Unlike the real estate option, the SIDF route to citizenship involves  a one-off transactional contribution and does not require maintenance of tangible assets.

 Individual applicants who choose  this uncomplicated route must  make a minimum donation of  USD250,000 to the Foundation.  Applicants can also applywith fam- ily members, including a spouse,  child dependants up to the age of  30, and parent dependants aged 55  or over. The minimum contribution  amount increases to USD300,000  for a four-person family and a  contribution of USD25,000 must  thereafter be made for each addi- tional family member.  Speedy application turnarounds  are key to the Programme’s global  reputation, and to its attractiveness  to applicants.

 St Kitts and Nevis of- fers a special fast-track procedure  available at a premium fee, which  includes a 60-day accelerated ap- plication process culminating with  a grant of citizenship and passport  for successful applicants. Standard  processing is also impressive, with  applications receiving approval in  principle between 45 days to three  months after submission.

 SAFETY AND CERTAINTY – St Kitts and Nevis’ impressive  processing times have not been  attained at the expense of Programme quality. Citizenship by  investment is operated by the nation’s Citizenship by Investment  Unit (CIU), a government body  tasked with carefully administering  and scrutinising all applications.  Consisting of a team of experienced professionals, the CIU is dis- tinguishing itself for its stringent  standards of due diligence, which  it applies against all applicants in  concert with international and in- dependent due diligence firms.  The refined model of citizenship  by investment offered by St Kitts  and Nevis ensures that the process  of obtaining citizenship is reliable  and secure.

 This is advantageous  to the Federation, which ensures  that only upstanding candidates  are approved for citizenship, and  for applicants themselves, who  become part of a group of excep- tional individuals who have time  and time again proved their strong,  principled backgrounds.

 THE SIDF AND OUTCOMES BEYOND CITIZENSHIP -Known as the quickest channel for  obtaining citizenship of St Kitts and  Nevis, the SIDF route has more to  it than first meets the eye. Established in 2006, the SIDF is a  public charity that works to fund  a diversified national economy.

 Folllowing the closure of the sugar  production industry in 2005. The  SIDF currently facilitates growth in  construction, tourism, agriculture,  and entrepreneurship, providing  vast opportunities for local employment and contributing significantly to St Kitts and Nevis’ trans- formation into the thriving country  it is today.

 In keeping with the Government’s  dedication to reinvest in its peo- ple, SIDF funds are also employed  as a means of securing generation- al prosperity. Through resources  provided by the SIDF, Kittitian and  Nevisian students can access local  post-secondary education, while  others can obtain loans to pursue  degreed programmes abroad.

 Furthermore, the SIDF plays a crucial role in enabling the Government to carry out its Public-Sector  Investment Programme (PSIP) by  funding electricity, alternative energy, infrastructural development,  and poverty eradication projects.

 Some examples of other programmes sponsored by the SIDF include the Small Entrepreneur and Enterprise Development (SEED)  Project, the Agricultural Resource  Management (ARM) Project, the  Recognising Everyone’s Ability to  Climb Higher (REECH) Programme,  and the Energy Conservation and  Renewable Energy Project.

The SEED Project was established  by the SIDF to give budding entrepreneurs the chance to learn how  to run service-based businesses.  Under this project, entrepreneurs  receive loans and are assigned ex- pert accountants and other professionals to help them through  the initial stages of starting their business.

 Through the ARM Project, the  SIDF aims to achieve national food  security for St Kitts and Nevis by developing a diversified agricultural sector and by increasing the  yield and quality of the nation’s  crops, vegetables, and fruits. With  its ARM Project, the SIDF has also  promoted the use of greenhouse  technology, novel irrigation systems, and water storing devices.

The REECH Programme is a national educational development  programme devoted to improving  the nation’s education system and  creating better access to post-secondary education. The Programme  is characterised by two components, Educational Scholarships  for Students in Advanced Institutions (ESSAI), and Training for  Optimal Performance of School  Leavers (TOPS). The REECH initiative has been instrumental in sup- porting the personal development  of young Kittians and Nevisians  by creating an affordable route  to tertiary education for qualified  students, and by instilling in them  the necessary professional skills  to participate in a service-based  workforce.