How Mobile Ordering Apps Are Transforming the Hospitality Industry

One of the industries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is the hospitality industry. The curfew, social distancing, and panic resulted in the hospitality industry straining to keep things flowing. So, it is no wonder most businesses in the hospitality industry had no choice but to shut down during the pandemic.

However, those who managed to stay open had to think of a strategy to keep the business moving. As a result, most of the hospitality industry adopted the use of a mobile ordering app. With these apps, hotels, bars, and other hospitality businesses found a way to serve the clients’ needs and keep up with the new regulations due to the pandemic.

What Is Mobile Ordering Technology?

Mobile ordering technology allows customers to browse, order, and pay for either products or services. The best part is that customers can do all this without having to download an actual app. Instead, with this technology, the customers get access to a mobile ordering menu in a few seconds through the internet browser they are using on the desktop, laptop, tablet, or Smartphone.

The Benefits of Using A Mobile Ordering App

If you are working in the hospitality industry, you might be wondering what the real benefits are of mobile ordering systems. If that is the case, here are some benefits you stand to gain when you use these systems.

Increase Purchases

In most cases, people are usually reluctant to change, and they take a long time to adapt to it. That is not the case with the app. The app is created in a way that gives customers more control. So, your clients will be attracted to the app and feel more appreciated, and thus, they will spend more in your facility. Here are some of the ways these apps are making clients feel in control and therefore spend more!

Clients have plenty of time to view the menu details and make the necessary customization addition. In addition, they no longer feel as though they have to rush to make an order as no one is standing over them, and there is no queue behind them.

By using this application, the clients learn of the special order available in a certain facility. They can easily plan what they will order while also considering any special offers available in real time.

The other way that the app makes the clients feel they are in control is that clients can have easier access to use loyalty points from the app.

Restaurants Increase Loyalty

By using mobile ordering technology, clients can personalize their experience. In addition, hungry clients can see what they ordered in the past and make the repeat order again; as a result; restaurants enjoy increased loyalty from their clients. Furthermore, it is easier for the clients to market the product that they used in the past. Thus, this increases the possibility of having return customers.

Online Payments

With the increase of digitalization, people no longer carry cash with them. That is because the preferred payment option that they use is online payments. With the use of mobile ordering technology, clients can now make the payment using the online platform. Thus, this makes it easier for them to pay for their food or drink. 


Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic will not be easy, and some habits like social distancing and avoiding crowds might not change any time soon. So, for those running a hospitality business, it is vital to keep up with the changes and ensure that they meet the clients’ demands and remain relevant. One of the ways you can do this is by choosing the right mobile ordering app for your business. See the top 5 mobile ordering apps rated here: